Gautam Buddha Campus
Gautam buddha Campus
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Welcome to Siddhartha GBC
Established in 2048 B.S. by social activists and academicians of this region with an aim to impart quality assured education in affordable cost, Siddhartha Gautam Buddha Campus is one of the leading campuses of this region and has become a niche for both quality and public concern. Located at the heart of Butwal Sub-Metropolitan City
Recent Notics
Notice for AGM
Selection of Quotation about Publication
Notice about Quotation for Publication
Selection of Quotation about Repair & Maintenance
Quotation about annual repair and maintainance
Exam form fill-up notice for Bachelor second year ( 2080-09-26)
बोलपत्र स्वीकृत आशयको ७ दिने सूचना (२०८०-०९-२२)

It’s a matter of immense joy for me to welcome you all to the sound and inspiring environment of Siddhartha Gautam Buddha Campus. Established in 2048 BS in the building of Shree Kanti Secondary School, Butwal, SGBC has been leaping forward relentlessly serving as an academic abode for thousands of students across the nation every year. In this regard the role played by the immediate past and past presidents of the campus has been significant.

I would be immensely pleased to welcome you all to the academic premises of Siddhartha Gautam Buddha Campus. Since its establishment in 2048 BS, it has been catering the needs of thousands of students offering them quality education at affordable cost. The institute has made a paradigm shift in term of infra-structure, faculty empowerment and teaching- learning methodologies especially after its accreditation as QQA certified campus.

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सिद्धार्थ गौतमबुद्ध क्याम्पसमा उत्तिर्ण बिद्यार्थीलाई बधाई तथा सम्मान
Read Moreसिद्धार्थ गौतम बुद्ध क्याम्पसका विद्यार्थीद्वारा एक दिने महिनावारी स्वच्छता व्यवस्थापन कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न
Read MoreHappy Testimonials
Pooja Thapa Nepal First ( MBS 2nd Sem 2079)

Rita Shrestha ( Nepal Third MBS 2nd Sem 2079)