Programme Objectives
The overall objective of the M.Ed. program is to produce higher level academic manpower such as teachers, teacher educators, education planners and administrators, system analysts and expert in the field of education. The specific objectives of the program are to:
1. Produce qualified and competent teacher educators.
2. Produce efficient educational planners, administrators and managers, supervisors and other educational experts.
3. Promote innovative practices in the field of education.
4. Develop education leadership and experts that can transform the education system of the country.
Student with Bachelor’s Degree in Education are eligible for the admission to the Masters Program. However, they need specific qualification for the admission in different subject.
Students must have to pass entrance test for admission in different specialization subject.
coming soon
SN | Headings | 1st Semester | 2nd Semester | 3rd Semester | 4th Semester |
1. | Total admission fee | Rs. 14,000 | 9,000 | 9,000 | 9,000 |
2. | Total semester fee (For 6 months) | Rs. 21,000 | 21,000 | 21,000 | 21,000 |
3. | Library deposit | Rs. 5,000 | – | – | – |
4. | Entrance & admission form fee | Rs. 1,700 | 200 | 200 | 200 |
30 Percent discount on admission and semester fee
Teaching Pedagogy
The methods of the teaching M.Ed., program will be the combination of several approaches. Class lectures, group discussion demonstration, guest lecture, seminars, term paper presentation, case analysis, problem solving, practical experience and field work approaches will be used as different techniques of giving instruction in the course so that students will be able to develop abilities for self-learning, problem solving and critical thinking.
Minimum attendance in accordance with the university regulation is required in (i.e. 70 %) each subject in order to be eligible for the annual examination. In semester system 80% attend is compulsory for the final examination.